Myota Secure Object Storage for Data Backup

The Myota BucketZero Platform, the world's first software-defined cyber storage solution

In the face of rapidly evolving technological landscapes and data storage needs, Myota's innovative approach to data backup strategies transcends the traditional 3-2-1 rule. We offer modern alternatives that are tailored to today's dynamic business environment.

At the heart of our approach is the Shred and Spread™ method. The Shred and Spread method ingeniously integrates quantum-proof encryption methods with flexible data storage strategies. It allows us to effectively implement the 3-1-2, 3-2-2, and 3-2-3 backup strategies, each offering a unique approach to data backup that addresses specific concerns associated with the original rule.

Our Shred and Spread™ method ensures data redundancy, security, and accessibility. It involves splitting a file into smaller pieces, called chunks. These chunks are then encrypted using a randomly generated encryption key. The encrypted chunks are then encoded into multiple immutable data shards. These data shards, which are encrypted versions of the file, are then stored across multiple storage nodes, with double parity. This process ensures that even if multiple storage nodes fail simultaneously, the Myota platform continues to function, and a self-healing process is employed which automatically provisions a new node and redistributes parity shards.

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Flexible and Secure Storage

Myota's bucketZero Cyberstorage offers a flexible and secure object storage service that eliminates confusing storage tiers. All data is treated equally and made readily accessible, regardless of whether it's classified as hot, cool, or cold.

Seamless Integration with Veeam and Other Backup Orchestration Tools

Myota's platform is fully compatible with Veeam, ensuring a smooth integration with your existing infrastructure. This compatibility extends to performance, meeting the requirements of Veeam Ready Object Storage.