The Myota User Journey - bucketZero File Storage

Here you'll find a guide to start using bucketZero File Storage as well as tips and tricks to guide your process of onboarding and evaluation.

1      Building Blocks of bucketZero

Myota provides future-proof your data protection and reduce business risks with increased productivity and cost savings. It’s so much more than file and data storage. It’s the world’s first Cyber storage software platform with built-in quantum resilient encryption, ransomware protection and always-on immutable back-ups.

Myota employs file encryption known as Shred and Spread which enhances the confidentiality and security of stored data and is resilient from data corruption. After storing or receiving a file and saving it in bucketZero File Storage the file is transparently split into multiple pieces, called a Chunk. Each chunk is encrypted using AES-256 algorithm with a randomly generated one-time key to ensure the confidentiality of data.

Each encrypted chunk is encoded into shards with metadata and one-time encryption keys. The Shards are additionally distributed into multiple storage locations thus providing for ransomware resistance, resiliency to data loss, and data protection from those unauthorized.  

1.1 The Myota Journey

Welcome to Myota platform: Your data. Everywhere. Secured.

Here you'll find a guideline to start using bucketZero File Storage as well as tips and tricks to guide your process of evaluation.


1.1 Get to know your Cloud Workspace

☐ Learn about Myota bZw

☐ Prepare for your new tools and schedule training

1.2. Set up Myota bZw

☐ Sign in into your Myota bZw account (web)

☐ Add Users (Administrator function)

☐ Install bZw Client

☐ Configure Client for your bZw instance

☐ Drive mapping (File Settings > WebDav)

1.3. Customize your Cloud Workspace

☐ Set up your profile

☐ Security (Reset Password)

☐ Configure your Notifications

☐ Customize your Dashboard

1.4. Manage your files and documents

☐ Upload files and folders to bZw

☐ File and Folder (Favorites)

☐ Manage file versions

☐ Search your files and documents

1.5. Share and collaborate on files

☐ Sharing with others best practices

☐ Sharing Files

☐ Sharing Folders

☐ Add comments and tags in your bZw documents

☐ See who changed your documents

2.0 Tips and Tricks for Getting Started in the Workspace PoC/Pilot

The Myota Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is located via website at In addition, the site provides information about installation of clients, the support portal, and useful information about the technology.

Myota prides itself on its white-glove support of customers. Scheduling a call is as easy as contacting us via this process - The  support pages at provides additional resources for customers both before and after onboarding.

2.1 The Myota Client

When access has been granted to the Myota bucketZero Workspace an automated “Welcome to Myota” email will be sent. This will include the option to set your password and install the Myota Desktop client.

Welcome E-mail

2.1.1 Client Installation

The Client installation wizard takes you step-by-step through configuration options and account setup.

2.1.2 Connect Client to bucketZero Workspace

Use this link to connect the Myota client to the bucketZero File Storage platform services -

2.1 Set up your Profile

To Set up your profile you can find the View profile option in the hamburger menu or Settings and then Personal Info:

You will find: 

  • Picture profile
  • Language
  • Personal Information
  • Organization Information
  • Following groups Information
  • Profile visibility

2.2 Configure Notifications

To configure Notifications, you can find Settings option in the hamburger menu and then Click Notifications

2.3 Customize your Dashboard

To configure Notifications, you can find the Customize button in the home. If you click on this icon at the top left of your screen, you will go to the homepage. 

Your will be able to edit the widgets after click Customize button: 

2.4 Share files and folders via public links

A random 15-digit token will be created. The link will look like


A number of options are available for public folder shares:

  • Read onlyto allow viewing and downloading
  • Allow upload and editing
  • With File drop, the share can only upload files to a folder without seeing the files that are already in that folder.
  • Hide downloadhides the download buttons and the default browser right-click options in order to make downloading for the share harder
  • Password protect
  • Set expiration datewill automatically disable the share
  • Note to recipient
  • Unshareto revert the share
  • Add another linkto create multiple public links with different rights

For public file shares, you may allow editing the file with one of Myota’s collaborative editing solutions:

2.5 Internal Shares with Users and Groups

When sharing with users, groups, rights for the files or folder contents are adjustable:

As a share, you can configure if you automatically want to accept all incoming shares and have them added to your root folder, or if you want to be asked each time if you want to accept or decline the share.

2.6 File That Others Have Access

In order to find out if a file or folder is accessible to others through sharing, click on Others with access in the sharing tab. The list shows all users, etc. that the current object has been given access to through sharing of a superior folder in the hierarchy.

Click on the three dots to:

  • See who initiated the share
  • See where the share was initiated (click to navigate to the folder, as far as you have access there)
  • Remove the initial share (only accessible for the share owner)

2.7 Track File Activity

The Nextcloud Activity app gives users a clear view on what is happening with their files. It provides users with an overview of recent changes like:

  • New or deleted files in shared folders.
  • New or deleted files in shared folders
  • File modifications
  • Download of shared files

2.8 New Comments or Tags

Tagging provides the ability to assign collaborative tags or classifications to files and folders based on rules, similar to Files access control. This is especially useful for retention and Files access control, so people that got the files shared cannot remove the tag to stop the retention or allow access against the owners will.

Comments provide the ability to leave a text comment about a file or folder.

2.9 Managing Deleted Files

When you delete a file in Myota, file scan be recovered for up to 30 days. Find your deleted files by clicking on the Deleted files button on the Files page of the Myota Web interface. You'll have options to either restore or permanently delete files.

2.10 Sync Status

Blue cloud icon: Indicates that the file is only available online. Since it’s an online file, it won’t take a space on your computer and you can’t open an online-only file without Internet connection.

Green tick icon: Indicates a locally available file. If you open an online-only file, it automatically downloads on your computer and becomes a locally available file. Now you can open a locally available file anytime without Internet connection.

Green circle with white check mark: Indicates an always available file. When you mark a file as “Always keep on this device”, it gets a green circle with white check mark.

Red circle with white cross: Indicates that a file or folder cannot be synced.

3      Administration of the bucketZero Workspace

3.1 User Management - Adding Users to bucketZero Workspace

On the User management page of your Myota bZw Web UI you can:

  • Create new users
  • View all of your users in a single scrolling window
  • Filter users by group
  • See what groups they belong to
  • Edit their full names and passwords
  • See their data storage locations
  • View and set quotas
  • Create and edit their email addresses
  • Send an automatic email notification to new users
  • Disable and Enable users
  • Delete them with a single click

The default view displays basic information about your users.

The Group filters on the left sidebar lets you quickly filter users by their group memberships, and create new groups.

Click the (Settings) gear icon on the lower left sidebar to set a default storage quota, and to display additional fields.

  • Show storage location
  • Show last log in
  • Show user backend
  • Send email to new users
  • Show email address

User accounts have the following properties.

  • Login Name (Username)
    • The unique ID of a Myota bZw user, and it cannot be changed.
  • Full Name
    • The user’s display name that appears on file shares, the Myota bZw Web interface, and emails. Admins and users may change the Full Name anytime. If the Full Name is not set it defaults to the login name.
  • Password
    • The admin sets the new user’s first password. Both the user and the admin can change the user’s password at any time.
  • Groups
    • You may create groups, and assign group memberships to users. By default, new users are not assigned to any groups.
  • Group Admin
    • Group admins are granted administrative privileges on specific groups, and can add and remove users from their groups.
  • Quota
    • The maximum disk space assigned to each user. Any user that exceeds the quota cannot upload or sync data. You have the the option to include external storage in user quotas.
  • Manager
    • Every user can have one organizational manager. The manager property goes into the system address book card of the user and is used for the Contacts app’s organization chart, for example. Setting a manager does notchange any authorization level of the user or their manager.

3.2 Creating a New User

To create a user account.

  • Enter the new user’s Login Nameand their initial 
  • Optionally, assign Groups
  • Click the Create

Login names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), dashes (-), underscores (_), periods (.), spaces ( ) and at signs (@). After creating the user, you may fill in their Full Name if it is different than the login name, or leave it for the user to complete.

If you have checked Send email to new user in the control panel on the lower left sidebar, you may also enter the new user’s email address, and Myota bZw will automatically send them a notification with their new login information. You may edit this email using the email template editor on your Admin page (see Email).

Set the Send email to new user-checkbox allows you to leave the Password field empty. The user will get an activation-email to set their own password.

3.3 Reset a User’s Password

Recovery of a user’s password is not possible however to reset the password.

  • Hover your cursor over the user’s Password
  • Click on the pencil icon.
  • Enter the user’s new password in the password field, and remember to provide the user with their password.

3.4 Renaming a User

Each Myota bZw user has two names: a unique Login Name used for authentication, and a Full Name, which is their display name. You can edit the display name of a user, but you cannot change the login name of any user.

To set or change a user’s display name:

  • Hover your cursor over the user’s Full Namefield
  • Click on the Pencil icon
  • Enter the user’s new display name

3.5 Granting Administrator Privileges to a User

Myota bZw has two types of administrators.

  • Super Administrators
  • Group Administrators 

Group administrators have the rights to create, edit and delete users in their assigned groups. Group administrators cannot access system settings, or add or modify users in the groups that they are not Group Administrators for. Use the dropdown menus in the Group Admin column to assign group admin privileges.

Super Administrators have full rights on your Myota bZw server and can access and modify all settings. To assign the Super Administrators role to a user add them to the admin group.

3.6 Managing Groups

You can assign new users to groups when you create them, and create new groups when you create new users. You may also use the Add Group button at the top of the left pane to create new groups. New group members will immediately have access to file shares that belong to their new groups.

3.7 Setting Storage Quotas

Click the gear on the lower left pane to set a default storage quota. This is automatically applied to new users. You may assign a different quota to any user by selecting from the Quota dropdown, selecting either a preset value or entering a custom value. When you create custom quotas, use the normal abbreviations for your storage values such as 500 MB, 5 GB, 5 TB, and so on.

3.8 Disable and Enable Users

You can disable a user without permanently deleting their settings and files. The user can be activated any time again, without data-loss.

To do so.

  • Hover your cursor over their name on the Userspage until the “…”-menu icon appears at the far right.
  • After clicking on it, you will see the Disable
    • The user will no longer be able to access their Myota bZw until you enable them again.

3.9 Deleting Users

To delete a user hover your cursor over their name on the Users page until the “…”-menu icon appears at the far right.

  • After clicking on it, you will see the Delete
  • Click on it to select the delete the user with all their data immediately.

Note* Files owned by the deleted user are also deleted, including all files they have shared. If you need to preserve the user’s files and shares, you must first download them from your Myota bZw Files page, which compresses them into a zip file, or use a sync client to copy them to your local computer. It is suggested that accounts are typically disabled.