Myota BucketZero Object Storage Onboarding

Onboarding your organizational backup and recovery to use the Myota object storage cyber services.

Welcome to the Implementation and Support Onboarding!

Get ready to embark on a successful journey with your dedicated implementation and support team. To ensure a seamless process, please provide the following information:

Participants (Contact details for the following key stakeholders)

  • Storage Admins
  • Sponsors
  • Stakeholders (Internal clients) responsible for owning and managing the data strategy

Onboarding (Our objective is to implement initial backups within the first 30 days)

  • Define License type
    • SaaS, Hybrid or Self-Hosted
    • Storage requirements in TB
  • Connected backup applications?
  • Define success
  • Schedule meetings (checkpoints and milestones)
    • Testing and configuration during specified weeks (x)
    • Go-Live and transitioning to long-term support

Architecture Review

Determine Backup Frequency --> Select Backup Method --> Identify Data to Backup --> Schedule Backup --> Initiate Backup Process --> Monitor Backup Progress --> Verify Backup Integrity --> Store Backup Safely --> Test Restoration Process --> Update Backup Plan -->
  • Infrastructure (Hot sites vs cold sites, etc.)
  • Current technology stack, highlighting tools our product will replace
  • Recovery workflow (Critical systems vs etc.)
  • Data center backup destinations and media
    • DR Tools used (Manual or automated)
  • Backup architecture
    • Number of backup jobs
    • Schedule (How often are jobs running)
    • Retention
    • Access points
    • Job distribution

Myota_Storage-1                  bZs Architecture

Questions to Consider

  • Current backup configurations (Archival vs live data)
  • Access to existing backup environments for creating test connections
  • Scheduling policy (frequency and data locations for backups)
    • Service access points and job distribution
  • Types of data to backup (DB, File Servers, voice recordings, geographical regions)

Be prepared to receive a URL for the backup application orchestration tool connection, Secret and Access Keys, and a Bucket Name for attaching your backup job(s).

Providing the following information previous to our first set of scheduled calls will ensure a successful implementation process. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your dedicated implementation and support team.


Customer Support -

Myota Object Storage Backup - 

Myota + Veeam Backup -

Evolution of Backup -